The Sanjiao Jiuliu (The Three Religions and Nine Ranks)

The Three Religions

ru (Confucianism)

shi (Buddhism)

dao (Daoism)

The Nine Grades of the First Class

1) zaixiang (prime minister)

2) shangshu (grand historiographer)

3) dufu (governor general)

4) fangao (provincial commissioner)

5) titai (provincial commander)

6) zhentai (brigade general)

7) daowen (intendant of circuits) in charge of salt and grain tax administration

8) zhifu (prefect)

9) zhizhou (Deputy of Magistrates)

The Nine Grades of the Second Class

1) yisheng (doctor)

2) jin (fortune-teller) uses the bagua and I-Ching to tell fortunes

3) piaohang (scrivener)

4) tui (glyphomancer) dissect components of name to tell fortunes

5) qinqi (itinerant musician, professional chess player)

6) shuhua (calligrapher, painter)

7) seng (Buddhist monk)

8) dao (Daoist priest)

9) mayi (physiognomist)

The Nine Grades of the Third Class

1) wongba (brothel owner)

2) gui (procurer)

3) xizi (actor)

4) chui (bugler)

5) daicai (conjuror)

6) xiaocai (juggler)

7) sheng (barber)

8) dao (robber)

9) chuihui (addict, drug trafficker)