Birth years have been associated with zodiacal animals from at least the time of the Division into North and South. These signs are often linked to personality, and for the superstitious, to desitiny and fortune. Zodiacal signs also have been used to determine the compatability of romantic partners. Find out more on Sabrina Liao's Chinese Astrology page. 

Astrological Sign


Zi (Rat)

+2 Energetic +1 Honest +2 Suspicious

Chou (Ox)

+1 Energetic +2 Just +1 Modest +1 Reckless

Yin (Tiger)

+1 Energetic +1 Generous +1 Proud +2 Valorous

Mao (Hare)

+2 Merciful +2 Prudent +1 Worldly

Chen (Dragon)

+1 Energetic +2 Proud +2 Reckless

Si (Snake)

+1 Lazy +1 Arbitrary +1 Deceitful +1 Lustful +1 Worldly

Wu (Horse)

+1 Energetic +1 Selfish +1 Proud +2 Reckless

Wei (Ram)

+1 Lazy +1 Merciful +2 Modest +1 Cowardly

Shen (Monkey)

+1 Energetic +2 Selfish +1 Arbitrary +1 Deceitful

You (Rooster)

+1 Energetic +2 Proud +2 Prudent

Xu (Dog)

+1 Generous +3 Honest +1 Just

Hai (Boar)

+2 Generous +2 Honest +1 Merciful

In addition, Roosters and Dogs will have +1 on all of their Loyalty Passions.

Astrological Sign



+1 Proud


+1 Prudent


+1 Generous


+1 Reckless


+1 Honest