Author Archives: Alan

About Alan

Alan is a member of an ancient Brotherhood, the keepers of a secret so devastating it could shake the world, bring down governments, topple the foundations of the Catholic faith, and make Dan Brown break out in hives. Yup, that big. In between running covert missions recovering ancient artifacts with his ex Navy Seal buddies and the inevitable beautiful Italian or French archaeologist/temptress who, apart from being whip smart, also always seems to be handy with a Glock semi-automatic, Alan reviews films. This is a most excellent cover, and many directors, who most of you think are just plain directors but are in fact also members of the Brotherhood or their sister organisation The, ah, Sisterhood, send Alan secret encoded messages in said films. You might think that Cutie Honey was just a day glo bit of fun, but oh nooooo. Bought down an evil scheme or three that one. So feel free to comment or send Alan secret encoded messages that require a trip to the Vatican to get sorted. Oh, and enjoy the reviews.

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