Author Archives: Alison

HKIFF 2005 – The Girls Hit Town!

Ahhh, Hong Kong, city of ten thousand delights, many of them edible. It’s possible to spend your entire time in this city just eating, and enjoying it immensely. No matter what you want to eat, you’ll find it in Hong Kong, often in a tiny hole-in-the-wall noodle joint so packed you have to climb over the furniture to sit down. Me, I’ve got a particular fondness for dumpling soup, and man oh man, did I indulge.

Aside from eating, of … (read more)

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Hong Kong International Film Festival 03

Episode 1 – Good Cops, Bad Cops

Once again, I’m going to break my festival report into sections, because I saw 26-odd films (and some were very odd indeed), and I’d dissolve into a wee melty thing if I tried to talk about all of them in one go. Consider it a cunning ploy to keep your attention on me, some sort of Scheherezade’s Game, if you wish.

So this week is all about cops, and I’ll start by bravely … (read more)

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Indestructible Hong Kong: Festival 04

HKIFF 2004 Report

I’ll try something a bit different this year, in the interest of getting my report finished before December. So you’ll be getting a brief review-ette of all the films, followed by production details, and full reviews of a selection of the more interesting ones. Let me know what you think…

Three-Corner Bout: Thailand, Taiwan, and the Philippines

I caught three of the Thai films on offer this year, representing three very different styles. Beautiful Boxer, a … (read more)

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Hong Kong International Film Festival 02

Episode 0: What Else I Did On My Holidays

First up, for anyone who doesn’t know, I was lucky enough to weasel my way into a private dinner with Johnnie To, director of various funky films and boss of Milkyway Image. Given the frisson I get whenever that cool logo sizzles its way across the screen, signalling the onset of another fine snippet of cinema, you can imagine how chuffed I was. And I somehow managed to be seated next … (read more)

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Adelaide International Film Festival 03


28 February – 7 March 2003

Well, the festival certainly went off like a string of fireworks: tickets sold fast and early, many sessions were sold out, and audience reactions, at least at the sessions I attended, were positive. The staff of the Nova were professional and courteous as ever, and the only hiccup was a persistent series of projection problems, caused, I was informed, by the quality of the prints: several prints were … (read more)

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HK vs Hollywood: Ten Reasons Why…

We’ve all railed at the fact that Hollywood produces, well, good agricultural material, while HK often (not always, but often) produces true gems of cinematic genius. Here’s why…

  • Recipes for a film run along the following lines.
    HK: Throw in whatever’s fresh in the market that day. Cook fast, serve hot, and end up with something fresh, spicy, and interesting.
    Hollywood: Take a successful recipe and remove everything but the cabbage. Add extra lard, cook for 18 months, and serve
  • (read more)
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    Top Ten Breathtakers in Hong Kong Films

    One of the things I most like about HK films is the ability to surprise: that scene where you’re really, truly, not at all sure what’s going to happen. Or, indeed, that what just happened really did happen. So I’ve compiled a list of my favourite breathtakers. Here they are, in no particular order. Go for your life.

    SPOILER alert: if you don’t want to know what happens, then don’t read further…

    1) I’ll have to start with Bride With … (read more)

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